عبدالحليم حافظ | ذاق مرارة اليتم وفكروا في قتله - Taste the bitterness of orphanhood and think of killing him
صوت عذب، وأحاسيس صادقة وليدة حياة صعبة فمن رحم فقر ويتم وفقد ولد إبداعه، وسيظل محميًا من غارات الزمن، تأسرك رومانسيته، ويشعل حماسك بأغانيه الوطنية، وتلمس أدعيته الدينية قلبك فتدمع عينيك، هو أجمل الطيور المغردة "العندليب الأسمر" عبدالحليم حافظ.
رحل حليم عن عالمنا في مثل هذا اليوم 30 مارس قبل 42 عامًا، بعد حياة لم يستسلم فيها لمعاناته، بل حوّلها لدافع حتى أصبح أحد أهم أعلام الوطن العربي حتى يومنا هذا ومهما مرت الأيام..
- في قرية فقيرة تابعة لإحدى مراكز محافظة الشرقية، استقبلت أسرة علي شبانة رابع أبناءها، وأطلقوا عليه اسم "عبدالحليم"، لكنها الفرحة التي ظلت ناقصة، مع إصابة أمه بحمى النفاس ورحيلها بعد أيام قليلة من ولادته، ليصبح اليتم والفقد أول ما يتذوقه الوليد.
- لم تنته الساعات القاسية التي عاش يشعر بمرارتها حتى أخر أيامه، فليس هناك أقسى من أن يفقد طفل أمه، وازدادت قسوتها مع تفكير البعض في قتله، ليلحق بوالدته من خلال إرضاعه من ثديها وهي ميتة ليموت معها، وهو ما جاء في مسلسل "العندليب.. حكاية شعب"، وأكده في حوار مع "مصراوي" نجل شقيقه "محمد شبانة".
- وقبل أن يتم عامه الأول، ذاق فقدًا جديدًا برحيل والده، وأصبح يتيم الأب والأم، وانتقل مع أشقائه للعيش في بيت خاله.
- وكعادة أبناء القرى البسيطة في تلك الفترة، كانت الوسيلة الوحيدة لإطفاء نار حر الصيف، الاستحمام في الترعة، ورغم تحذيرات أسرته خوفًا عليه من الغرق، إلا أنه لم يستمع لهم، ليُصاب بـ"البلهارسيا" ويعيش حياة لم تخل يومًا من الألم رغم النجاح الكبير الذي بلغه.
- محاولات حليم لتقديم فنًا خاصًا به لا يشبه أحد لم تُقابل بترحيب من الجمهور في البداية، فمع تقديمه لأول مرة أغنية "صافيني مرة" من ألحان رفيق دربه محمد الموجي، هاجمه الجمهور وطلبوا منه غناء أغاني بعينها لنجوم معروفين وقتها، فعاش معاناة وصراعًا جديدًا، هل ينزل على رغبة الجمهور ويقدم لهم ما يريدون أم يصنع لنفسه شخصية مميزة حتى وإن احتاج الأمر لوقت أطول، واختار الحل الثاني وأصبحت "صافيني مرة" واحدة من أكثر أغاني حليم شهرة حتى الآن.
- صدمة جديدة تلقاها خلال بدايات مشواره الفني، هو رفض المنتجة ماري كويني إسناد دور له في أحد أفلامها، معتبرة أن وجهه غير سينمائي، وعندما ذاع صيته عرضت عليه أن تنتج له، لكنه رفض.
- في عام 1956 أصيب بأول نزيف، وبدأت رحلة الألم الحقيقية في حياة الشاب الذي ظن أن الدنيا فتحت بابها على مصراعيه لينهل من خيراتها، لكن القدر كان يخبئ له تفاقم مرض البلهارسيا.
- شعور جديد بالفقد، تلك المرة عاشه مع حبيبة تمنى أن يرتبط اسمها باسمه، لكن حال القدر دون ذلك، قال إنه ولد في عينيها الزرقاء التي لم ير مثيلًا لها من قبل، وإن قصة حبهما استمرت خمس سنوات، لكن النهاية كُتبت برحيلها عن دنيانا، بعد إصابتها بمرض خطير، أسماها في مذكراته "ليلى"، وقال الإعلامي وجدي الحكيم إن اسمها "ديدي"، وتُحاط قصة حب حليم وتلك الفتاة بغموض حتى الآن، تحدثا عنها صديق "العندليب" مجدي العمروسي والكاتب الراحل مصطفى أمين ووصفاها بأنها صاحبة أجمل عيون.
- رغم كل محاولاته لإيقاف مضاعفات مرض البلهارسيا بالسفر إلى الخارج وإجراء عدد كبير من العمليات إلا أن المرض أخذ يتفاقم، وحوّل حياته لعذاب، وأصيب بتليف في الكبد.
- وبحسب تصريحات محمد شبانة لـ"مصراوي"، كان سبب وفاة حليم إصابته بنزيف في دوالي المريء "الكبد وقتها كان قد انتهى تقريبًا، ولم يستجب الجسد لعملية الحقن، وفور خروجه من غرفة العمليات حصل النزيف"، ورحل عام 1977.
Vidiosut tortured, and sincere feelings born of a difficult life, it is the womb of poverty and is lost and the birth of his creativity, and will be protected from the raids of time, enthuses romanticism, and ignites your enthusiasm national songs, and touch his religious faith and your heart Vdda your eyes, is the most beautiful birds singing "Nightingale brown" Abdel Halim Hafez.
Halim left our world on this day, March 30, 42 years ago, after a life in which he did not succumb to his suffering, but turned it into a motive until it became one of the most important flags of the Arab world to this day and whatever the days passed ..
- In the poor village of one of the centers of the province of Sharkia, the family of Ali Shabana received the fourth child, and called him, "Abdel Halim," but the joy that remained incomplete, with his mother's mother and the absence of fever and a few days after birth, to become orphaned and lost the first taste of the newborn.
- The cruel hours that he lived did not end until his last days. There is no harsher than losing his mother's child, and her cruelty has increased with the thought of some to kill him, to follow his mother by breast feeding her dead, to die with her. The story of a people, "and confirmed in an interview with" Masrawi "son of his brother," Mohammed Shabana. "
- Before his first year, he suffered a new loss by the departure of his father, became orphan father and mother, and moved with his brothers to live in his uncle's house.
- As usual ordinary villagers in that period, was the only way to extinguish the fire of summer heat, bathing in the canal, and despite warnings from his family for fear of drowning, but he did not listen to them, to become "schistosomiasis" and live a life that was not a day of pain despite the great success Which he reached.
When he presented his first song "Safini Mara" from the tunes of Rafik Darbh Mohammed Al-Moji, the audience attacked him and asked him to sing songs specific to the stars known at the time, and lived suffering and a new conflict, Do you get down to the public's desire and give them what they want or make a special character for himself even if it takes longer, and chose the second solution and became "Safini time" one of the most famous Halim songs so far.
- A new shock he received during the beginnings of his artistic career was the refusal of producer Marie Quinnie to assign a role in one of her films, considering that his face was not cinematic, and when he became famous, he was offered to produce for him, but he refused.
- In 1956 he suffered the first bleeding, and began the journey of real pain in the life of the young man, who thought that the world opened the door wide to run out of the good, but the fate was hiding the disease of schistosomiasis.
He said that he was born in her blue eyes, which he had never seen before, and that the story of their love lasted five years, but the end was written by her departure from our world, After the serious illness, he called in his memoirs "Laila", said the media Wajdi Hakim called "Didi", and surrounded the story of love Halim and the girl vaguely so far, talked about a friend "Nightingale" Magdi Amrozi and the late writer Mustafa Amin and described as the most beautiful eyes.
- Despite all his attempts to stop the complications of schistosomiasis to travel abroad and conduct a large number of operations, but the disease is getting worse, and turned his life to a torment, and was infected by a liver.
According to Mohammed Shabana's statement to Masrawi, Halim's death caused hemorrhage in the esophageal varices. "The liver was almost finished and the body did not respond to the injection. As soon as he left the operating room, he got bleeding."
Halim left our world on this day, March 30, 42 years ago, after a life in which he did not succumb to his suffering, but turned it into a motive until it became one of the most important flags of the Arab world to this day and whatever the days passed ..
- In the poor village of one of the centers of the province of Sharkia, the family of Ali Shabana received the fourth child, and called him, "Abdel Halim," but the joy that remained incomplete, with his mother's mother and the absence of fever and a few days after birth, to become orphaned and lost the first taste of the newborn.
- The cruel hours that he lived did not end until his last days. There is no harsher than losing his mother's child, and her cruelty has increased with the thought of some to kill him, to follow his mother by breast feeding her dead, to die with her. The story of a people, "and confirmed in an interview with" Masrawi "son of his brother," Mohammed Shabana. "
- Before his first year, he suffered a new loss by the departure of his father, became orphan father and mother, and moved with his brothers to live in his uncle's house.
- As usual ordinary villagers in that period, was the only way to extinguish the fire of summer heat, bathing in the canal, and despite warnings from his family for fear of drowning, but he did not listen to them, to become "schistosomiasis" and live a life that was not a day of pain despite the great success Which he reached.
When he presented his first song "Safini Mara" from the tunes of Rafik Darbh Mohammed Al-Moji, the audience attacked him and asked him to sing songs specific to the stars known at the time, and lived suffering and a new conflict, Do you get down to the public's desire and give them what they want or make a special character for himself even if it takes longer, and chose the second solution and became "Safini time" one of the most famous Halim songs so far.
- A new shock he received during the beginnings of his artistic career was the refusal of producer Marie Quinnie to assign a role in one of her films, considering that his face was not cinematic, and when he became famous, he was offered to produce for him, but he refused.
- In 1956 he suffered the first bleeding, and began the journey of real pain in the life of the young man, who thought that the world opened the door wide to run out of the good, but the fate was hiding the disease of schistosomiasis.
He said that he was born in her blue eyes, which he had never seen before, and that the story of their love lasted five years, but the end was written by her departure from our world, After the serious illness, he called in his memoirs "Laila", said the media Wajdi Hakim called "Didi", and surrounded the story of love Halim and the girl vaguely so far, talked about a friend "Nightingale" Magdi Amrozi and the late writer Mustafa Amin and described as the most beautiful eyes.
- Despite all his attempts to stop the complications of schistosomiasis to travel abroad and conduct a large number of operations, but the disease is getting worse, and turned his life to a torment, and was infected by a liver.
According to Mohammed Shabana's statement to Masrawi, Halim's death caused hemorrhage in the esophageal varices. "The liver was almost finished and the body did not respond to the injection. As soon as he left the operating room, he got bleeding."
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