أزمة فنزويلا التهديد من ترامب والفعل من بوتن | The Venezuelan crisis The threat of Trump and the act of Putin
مجددا، أظهرت أزمة فنزويلا أنه في الوقت الذي تفضل به واشنطن دبلوماسية التحذيرات والياقات البيضاء، تضغط موسكو بأحذيتها العسكرية على مناطق تشكل عصب النفوذ الأميركي، لا سيما في الحديقة الخلفية للولايات المتحدة.
وفور إعلان رئيس البرلمان الفنزويلي خوان غوايدو نفسه رئيسا للبلاد، سارعت واشنطن ضمن 50 دولة للاعتراف به، مطالبة الرئيس نيكولاس مادورو بالتنحي.
وقال الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب في مطلع فبراير الماضي إن إرسال قوات أميركية هو أحد الخيارات في التعامل مع الأزمة.
وبينما كانت التحذيرات تصدر من البيت الأبيض ووزارة الخارجية ومستشار الأمن القومي جون بولتون، كانت طائرتان روسيتان من طراز "أنطونوف 124" و"إليوشين 62"، تهبطان في كراكاس الأسبوع الماضي.
وبحسب وسائل الإعلام المحلية، أقلت الطائرتان 99 عسكريا مع 35 طنا من العتاد، بقيادة فائد القوات البرية الجنرال فاسيلي تونكوشوروف.
وكالة "سبوتنيك" الروسية عن مصدر دبلوماسي روسي رفض الكشف عن هويته،
تأكيده أن "لا شيء غامضا" في إرسال العسكريين، الذي يأتي "في إطار تعاون
تقني وعسكري" بين البلدين.
ومثلت التحركات الروسية
الفعلية على الأرض التي أصبحت ملمحا أساسيا في سياسة الرئيس فلاديمير بوتن
تحديا جديدا لواشنطن، حيث عقدت كثيرا من أي تفكير أميركي في عمل عسكري
لإسقاط مادورو.
وحتى بعد نشر القوات الروسية،
واصلت واشنطن التحذيرات وطالب ترامب موسكو بسحب جنودها، فيما حذر وزير
خارجيته بأن بلاده لن تقف مكتوفة الأيدي.
موسكو إنها "لم ترتكب أي مخالفة. (لم تنتهك) الاتفاقيات الدولية ولا
القانون الفنزويلي. إنها لا تغير ميزان القوى في المنطقة ولا تهدد أحدا على
خلاف واشنطن"، بحسب بيان لوزارة الخارجية، الخميس.
المتحدثة باسم الوزارة ماريا زاخاروفا الانتقادات التي يطلقها مسؤولون
أميركيون منذ بداية الأسبوع "محاولة متغطرسة للإملاء على دولتين ذات سيادة
كيف عليهما أن تديرا علاقاتهما".
وتابعت: "روسيا وفنزويلا ليستا مقاطعتين في الولايات المتحدة".
وقال الملحق العسكري في سفارة فنزويلا في روسيا جوزيه رافايل توريالبا بيريز: "أصر على القول بأن الأمر ينحصر في مجال التعاون العسكري والتقني. الوجود العسكري الروسي لا علاقة له بتاتا باحتمال تنفيذ عمليات عسكرية"، كما نقلت عنه وكالة "إنترفاكس" الروسية.
وأكد الدبلوماسي أنه من المقرر أن يزور وزير الدفاع الفنزويلي موسكو في أواخر أبريل المقبل.
جهتها، أكدت زاخاروفا أن "الخبراء الروس وصلوا إلى فنزويلا تطبيقا لاتفاق
ثنائي بين الحكومتين حول التعاون العسكري والتقني. لم يلغ أحد هذه
وتوصلت روسيا وفنزويلا في 2011 إلى اتفاق تعاون عسكري ينص على بيع أسلحة روسية إلى كراكاس في إطار دين روسي.
روسيا والصين مادورو في الأزمة السياسية الأخيرة في فنزويلا، بينما وقفت
الولايات المتحدة ومعظم الدول الغربية الأخرى في صف غوايدو.
على غرار القرم وسوريا
الموقف الحالي في فنزويلا بما جرى في شبه جزيرة القرم الأوكرانية عام
2014، عندما دخلتها قوات روسية وجرى ضمها إلى روسيا، بالإضافة إلى نشر قوات
عسكرية بلا شارات في شرقي أوكرانيا لتثبيت تمرد أعلن من طرف واحد عن قيام
يعرف بجمهورية دونتسك الشعبية، التي لا تحظى باعتراف غربي.
الأمر تكرر في الأزمة السورية، فبينما كان التردد يخيم على واشنطن عام
2013 بشأن القيام بعمل عسكري ضد سوريا على خلفية استخدامها لأسحلة كيماوية
في الحرب الأهلية، ومع وصول حاملة طائرات أميركية وسفن حربية قبالة الساحل
السوري، جاء القرار من إدارة الرئيس باراك أوباما حينها بالتراجع عن شن عمل
عسكري بعد الحصول على ضمانات من روسيا بالتخلص من المخزون الكيميائي
وفي سبتمبر عام 2015، بدأ سلاح الجو
الروسي بتوجيه ضربات جوية في الأراضي السورية بتاريخ 30 سبتمبر 2015، بعد
أن طلب الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد دعما عسكريا من موسكو من أجل كبح القوات
المعارضة له في الحرب.
ووسعت موسكو من نفوذها
لتسيطر عسكريا بشكل شبه كامل على الفضاء السوري وتقيم قواعد عسكرية في عدد
من المناطق، وتقلب موازين القوى لصالح الأسد بالتعاون مع إيران وميليشيات
حليفة، فيما يقتصر التدخل الأميركي على محاربة تنظيم "داعش" بالتنسيق مع
روسيا وباقي القوات المنتشرة شمالي البلاد.
Again, Venezuela's crisis has shown that while Washington prefers diplomacy with warnings and white collars, Moscow is pressing its military boots on areas that are the mainstay of American influence, especially in the backyard of the United States.
Immediately after Venezuelan President Juan Guido declared himself president of the country, Washington was among 50 countries to recognize it, asking President Nicolas Maduro to step down.
US President Donald Trump said in early February that sending US troops was an option in dealing with the crisis.
While the warnings were issued by the White House, the State Department and National Security Adviser John Bolton, two Russian Antonov 124 and Ilyushin 62 planes landed in Caracas last week.
According to local media, the two aircraft took 99 military and 35 tons of equipment, led by the benefit of ground forces General Vasily Tonkushurov.
The Russian news agency Sputnik quoted a Russian diplomatic source as saying that "there is nothing ambiguous" about sending the troops, which comes "within the framework of technical and military cooperation" between the two countries.
The actual Russian moves on the ground, which became a key feature of President Vladimir Putin's policy, represented a new challenge for Washington, where it held much American thought in military action to overthrow Maduro.
Even after the deployment of Russian troops, Washington continued warnings and demanded Trump Moscow to withdraw its troops, while his foreign minister warned that his country will not stand idly by.
Moscow says it has "not committed any violation of (international) conventions or Venezuelan law, it does not change the balance of power in the region and does not threaten anyone other than Washington," according to a Foreign Ministry statement.
Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said criticism by US officials since the beginning of the week was "an arrogant attempt to dictate to sovereign states how they should manage their relations."
"Russia and Venezuela are not two provinces in the United States," she said.
"The Russian military presence has nothing to do with the possibility of military operations," said the military attache of the Venezuelan embassy in Russia, Jose Rafael Torrealba Perez, who was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.
The Venezuelan defense minister is scheduled to visit Moscow in late April, the diplomat said.
"The Russian experts arrived in Venezuela to implement a bilateral agreement between the two governments on military and technical cooperation," Zakharova said.
Russia and Venezuela in 2011 reached a military cooperation agreement providing for the sale of Russian weapons to Caracas within the framework of Russian religion.
Russia and China support Maduro in the recent political crisis in Venezuela, while the United States and most other Western countries stood in the Guido row.
Like the Crimea and Syria
The current situation in Venezuela is reminiscent of what happened in the Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, when it was entered by Russian forces and annexed to Russia, in addition to the deployment of unmarked military forces in eastern Ukraine to establish a unilateral rebellion against the so-called " Western recognition.
The same thing happened in the Syrian crisis. While Washington was hesitant in 2013 to take military action against Syria because of its use of chemical weapons in the civil war, and with the arrival of a US aircraft carrier and warships off the Syrian coast, the decision came from the administration of President Barack Obama, For the launch of military action after obtaining assurances from Russia to get rid of the Syrian chemical stockpile.
In September 2015, the Russian air force began air strikes on Syrian territory on September 30, 2015, after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad asked for military support from Moscow to rein in opposing forces in the war.
Moscow has expanded its influence to almost completely control the Syrian space, establish military bases in a number of areas, and diversify the balance of power in favor of Assad in cooperation with Iran and allied militias, while the US intervention is limited to fighting the organization "Daash" in coordination with Russia and the rest of the forces deployed in the north of the country.
Immediately after Venezuelan President Juan Guido declared himself president of the country, Washington was among 50 countries to recognize it, asking President Nicolas Maduro to step down.
US President Donald Trump said in early February that sending US troops was an option in dealing with the crisis.
While the warnings were issued by the White House, the State Department and National Security Adviser John Bolton, two Russian Antonov 124 and Ilyushin 62 planes landed in Caracas last week.
According to local media, the two aircraft took 99 military and 35 tons of equipment, led by the benefit of ground forces General Vasily Tonkushurov.
The Russian news agency Sputnik quoted a Russian diplomatic source as saying that "there is nothing ambiguous" about sending the troops, which comes "within the framework of technical and military cooperation" between the two countries.
The actual Russian moves on the ground, which became a key feature of President Vladimir Putin's policy, represented a new challenge for Washington, where it held much American thought in military action to overthrow Maduro.
Even after the deployment of Russian troops, Washington continued warnings and demanded Trump Moscow to withdraw its troops, while his foreign minister warned that his country will not stand idly by.
Moscow says it has "not committed any violation of (international) conventions or Venezuelan law, it does not change the balance of power in the region and does not threaten anyone other than Washington," according to a Foreign Ministry statement.
Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said criticism by US officials since the beginning of the week was "an arrogant attempt to dictate to sovereign states how they should manage their relations."
"Russia and Venezuela are not two provinces in the United States," she said.
"The Russian military presence has nothing to do with the possibility of military operations," said the military attache of the Venezuelan embassy in Russia, Jose Rafael Torrealba Perez, who was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.
The Venezuelan defense minister is scheduled to visit Moscow in late April, the diplomat said.
"The Russian experts arrived in Venezuela to implement a bilateral agreement between the two governments on military and technical cooperation," Zakharova said.
Russia and Venezuela in 2011 reached a military cooperation agreement providing for the sale of Russian weapons to Caracas within the framework of Russian religion.
Russia and China support Maduro in the recent political crisis in Venezuela, while the United States and most other Western countries stood in the Guido row.
Like the Crimea and Syria
The current situation in Venezuela is reminiscent of what happened in the Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, when it was entered by Russian forces and annexed to Russia, in addition to the deployment of unmarked military forces in eastern Ukraine to establish a unilateral rebellion against the so-called " Western recognition.
The same thing happened in the Syrian crisis. While Washington was hesitant in 2013 to take military action against Syria because of its use of chemical weapons in the civil war, and with the arrival of a US aircraft carrier and warships off the Syrian coast, the decision came from the administration of President Barack Obama, For the launch of military action after obtaining assurances from Russia to get rid of the Syrian chemical stockpile.
In September 2015, the Russian air force began air strikes on Syrian territory on September 30, 2015, after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad asked for military support from Moscow to rein in opposing forces in the war.
Moscow has expanded its influence to almost completely control the Syrian space, establish military bases in a number of areas, and diversify the balance of power in favor of Assad in cooperation with Iran and allied militias, while the US intervention is limited to fighting the organization "Daash" in coordination with Russia and the rest of the forces deployed in the north of the country.
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